Expats residing in the Middle East, particularly those from Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, have increased their demand for second citizenship in recent years. These nations’ citizens normally have to go through a rigorous visa screening process, which a second passport avoids and allows them to travel freely across the world.
The GCC boasts one of the world’s largest proportions of foreign-born residents. It is an attractive center for second citizenship and residence opportunities for nations in Europe, America, Canada, Turkey, and the Caribbean, since it draws affluent investors and educated immigrants through business and investment immigration programmes.
The following are the motivations for residents to seek it, as well as the bulk of the criteria they evaluate when applying for a second passport:
Better Education
Canada, for example, is regarded for having an amazing educational system that is rich in cultural variety and employs cutting-edge learning techniques to help students succeed in today’s competitive market.
World Class Healthcare
Access to world-class healthcare systems for themselves and their families is another consideration. This is especially crucial for persons who have life-threatening medical conditions.
Investments, Finance and Banking
Some investors find that purchasing a second passport helps them to take advantage of lower tax and interest rates than those found in the Middle East. Investors might also diversify their assets by purchasing a second passport through property investment.
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